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Apostrophe 2.3.0 released: "baseUrl" option for good Facebook og:meta tags, other fixes

Updates in 2.3.0:

  • baseUrl project-wide option added, yielding the same benefit as in 0.5: you get absolute URLs for all pages everywhere. (If you don’t want absolute URLs, just don’t set it.) This is very beneficial when generating og:meta tags for Facebook, or generating emails.
  • Fixed a bug affecting the use of arrangeFields in modules that extend another module’s use of arrangeFields. Added unit test based directly on a real-world project.
  • A direct link to the original file has been added to the file manager’s editor modal.

“Gee, you seem to be going through a lot of minor version numbers!” We know it seems that way, but it’s just semantic versioning: each new release that contains even one new feature (rather than just bug fixes) requires a new minor version number.

Our goal is to slow down to no more than one release per week, and that only if needed. However, happily we have a lot of good work happening to introduce features needed by our own clients. Most of these are features that existed in some form in Apostrophe 0.5.x. As we fill in the quickly diminishing number of gaps, we’ll naturally slow down.

Thanks for reading!