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AJAX Requests to avoid page reloading

Hello, I’m new to apostrophe cms and I need some help.

I need to create a website which will have a header with a navigation menu with links to other pages inside my site and a footer which will display an audio player. The audio player shouldn’t stop playing when you switch to another page. I think ajax requests is the way to go, to avoid page reloading, but i have no idea if apostrophe supports them. Of course, if someone has another solution please tell me.

Apostrophe has some functionality for this which is primarily intended for the admin interface to do partial page refreshes after certain edits. Making that functionality available on the front end is a goal but this will take some time as it requires very careful attention to the browser history mechanism, etc.

Thank you really much for your reply.!

I’ll have to do it with something else then

Hi, if anyone tried with turbolinks or pjax and it worked I’ll be glad to hear about that

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