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Apostrophe 2.12.0 released: "improving" Apostrophe just got easier; also schema improvements

  • Developers are no longer required to set instantiate: false in app.js when configuring an npm module that uses the improve property to implicitly subclass and enhance a different module. In addition, bugs were fixed in the underlying moog-require module to ensure that assets can be loaded from the public and views folders of modules that use improve.

  • string has replaced csv as the property name of the schema field converters that handle plaintext. Backwards compatibility has been implemented so that existing csv converters will work transparently and calls to convert with csv as the from argument still work as well. In all new custom field types you should say string rather than csv. There is no change in the functionality or implementation other than the name.

On a related subject, the apostrophe-pieces-import module has just had its first release. This module makes CSV/TSV import capabilities easily available in any module that extends apostrophe-pieces. It relies on the improve feature which allows new functionality to be added to existing core modules by npm modules. As far as the rest of your project is concerned, it is as if import functionality had always existed for pieces.

A group of modules like this in a moog-bundle (the way apostrophe-blog is packaged) could constitute a “theme” in which functionality is added to many modules to enhance Apostrophe across the board toward a specific goal.