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Apostrophe 2.18.0: batch operations for pieces, plus several interesting fixes

Here’s what’s new in Apostrophe 2.18.0:

  • New batch editing features for pieces! You can now use the checkboxes to select many items and then carry out the following operations in one step: trash, rescue from trash, publish, unpublish, tag and untag.

In addition there is a new HOWTO on creating new batch editing features with a minimum of new code.

  • Several bugs in the array editor were fixed. Up, down and remove buttons work properly again, an aesthetic glitch was resolved and redundant ordinal numbers do not creep in when managing the order of an array without the titleField option.

  • A rich text editor bug was fixed which prevented switching back to the rich text editor after clicking between two of them more than once. Thanks to Eli Spizzichino.

  • Logging out completely destroys the session. While the standard behavior of req.logout in the Passport module is only to break the relationship between the user object and the session, users expect a clean break.

  • Numerous UX issues were addressed.