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Apostrophe 2.21.0: optional speed boost and a bug fix for cropped images

  • For a small performance boost, defer option can be set to true when configuring any widget module.
    This defers calls to the load method until just before the page is rendered, allowing a single query
    to fetch them all in simple cases. This is best applied
    to the apostrophe-images-widgets module and similar widgets. It should not be applied if you wish
    to access the results of the join in asynchronous code, because they are not available until the last
    possible moment.

Thanks to Michelin for their support of this work.

  • You can also set deferImageLoading to true for the apostrophe-globals module if you want the
    same technique to be applied when loading the global doc’s widgets. This does not always yield a
    performance improvement.

  • Bug fix: if two crops of the same image were present in separate widgets on a page, only one of the crops would be seen in template code. This issue has been resolved.