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Apostrophe 2.23.0: robust filters in the "manage" view and other significant improvements and fixes

Version 2.23.0 focuses on improving the “manage pieces” experience. Thanks to Michelin for their support of this work.

  • The “manage” view of apostrophe-pieces now supports robust filters, in the same way they were already supported on the front end for apostrophe-pieces-pages. Use the addFilters option to configure them. There is bc with existing filters that relied on the old assumption that manage filters have a boolean API. However now you can specify any field with a cursor filter, which includes most schema fields, notably including joins.

Note that since all of the options are presented in a dropdown, not all fields are good candidates for this feature.

The “manage” view filters now refresh to reflect only the options that still make sense based on the other filters you have selected, reducing user frustration.

See reusable content with pieces for more information and examples.

  • apos.utils.isFalse allows you to check for values that are strictly === false in templates.

  • apos.utils.startCase converts property names to English, roughly speaking. It is used as a fallback if a filter does not have a label property. This is primarily for bc, you should add a label property to your fields.

  • Production now matches the dev environment with regard to relative URLs in LESS files, such as those used to specify background images or font files. Previously the behavior was different in dev and production, which is a bug.

  • You can now pass a less option to apostrophe-assets, which is merged with the options given to less.render both in dev and production. You can use this, for instance, to enable strictMath.

  • apostrophe.oembed's fetch method now propagates its options object to oembetter correctly. Thanks to Fotis Paraskevopoulos.

Are reverse joins also candidates for filters? I have been unsuccessful at using reverse joins with addFilter (using 2.23.1)

Reverse joins don’t automatically have filters yet.

Thanks! Is that planned for an upcoming release, or is it a thing that would drag down performance or something like that?