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Apostrophe 2.4.0 released: "late criteria," regex search as a fallback for mongo limitations

Workarounds for two limitations in MongoDB that impact the use of Apostrophe cursors:

  • The addLateCriteria cursor filter has been introduced. This filter should be used only when
    you need to invoke $near or another MongoDB operator that cannot be used within $and. The object
    you pass to addLateCriteria is merged with the criteria object that is built normally by the cursor.
    Use of this filter is strongly discouraged unless you must use operators that do
    not support $and.
  • Custom filters that invoke $near or other MongoDB operators that are incompatible
    with $text queries may call self.set('regexSearch', true) to force the cursor to use
    a regular expression search rather than full MongoDB full-text search, if and when the
    search() filter is called on the same cursor. This was implemented to allow combination
    of full-text and geographical searches, subject of course to the limitation that regular expression
    search is not indexed. It also doesn’t sort by quality, but $near provides its own sort
    by distance.

Since these are new features a minor version level bump is appropriate. However neither of these is a feature that a typical site developer will need to call directly.

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