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Apostrophe 2.5.2 released: better UX for "block" level areas

  • New blockLevelControls: true option to areas ensures controls for “blocks,” i.e. “layout” widgets whose primary purpose is to contain other widgets, can be easily distinguished from controls for “regular” areas nested inside them. Think of a “two-column” or “three-column” widget with three areas in its template. The controls for these areas are displayed in a distinct color and various visual affordances are made to ensure they are accessible when things would otherwise be tightly spaces.
  • General improvements to the usability of area-related controls.
  • The search index now correctly includes the text of string and select schema fields found in widgets, pieces, pages, etc., as it always did before in 0.5. You may use searchable: false to disable this on a per-field basis.
  • Search indexing has been refactored for clarity (no changes to working APIs).
  • Checkboxes for the checkboxes schema field type are now styled.
  • “View file” links in the file library are now styled as buttons.