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Apostrophe 2.6.1 released: improved editing UX


All tests passing.

This patchlevel release contains several fixes for CSS and JS issues that emerged in the 2.6 release, in addition to other important usability improvements. It contains no new features.

  • Choosers and schema arrays play nicely with the new fixed-position tabs.
  • Better CSS solution to positioning the attachment upload buttons which doesn’t interfere with other styles.
  • Images in the chooser choices column “stay in their lane.”
  • Better error message when an attempt to edit an area with a hyphenated name is used.
  • Array edit button fixed.
  • The type() cursor filter now has a finalizer and merges its criteria there at the very end, so that you can override a previous call to it at any time prior to invoking toArray or similar.
  • Area controls no longer interfere with visibility of widget type selection menu.