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Apostrophe 2.7.0 released: improved sorting


All tests passing.


  • We do a better job of defaulting to a sort by search match quality if full-text search is present in a query. Under the hood this is powered by the new defaultSort filter, which just stores a default value for the sort filter to be used only if search (and anything else with an implicit preferred sort order) is not present. No more lame search results for blog posts. You can explicitly set the sort() filter in a cursor override if you really want to, but trust us, when search is present sorting by anything but search quality produces poor results.
  • Fixed bugs in the sanitizer for page slugs. It is now impossible to save a slug with trailing or consecutive slashes (except the home page slug which is allowed to consist of a single “trailing” slash). Added unit tests.
  • Apostrophe’s dropdown menus, etc. will more robustly maintain their font size in the presence of project-level CSS. There is an explicit default font size for .apos-ui.