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Apostrophe-passport: a universal bridge for single sign-on with Facebook, Twitter, etc

We are pleased to announce the release of apostrophe-passport, a universal bridge between Apostrophe and most strategy modules for passport. The apostrophe-passport module allows you to use modules like passport-google-oauth20, passport-gitlab2 and so on to allow your users to log in via those websites rather than via the ordinary login page.

You may configure more than one such service on a single site, and there is a provision for automatically creating users and adding them to a specified group, as well as for restricting sign-ons to those with email addresses in a particular domain.

Together with the recently released apostrophe-workflow module, which addressed both workflow and localization/internationalization for Apostrophe 2.x, these modules demonstrate Apostrophe’s rapid progress as a solution for larger sites and enterprise projects in general.

Thanks to Michelin for their support of this work.

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