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Deploying with Stagecoach (not Docker)

is there a way to deploy to production with Docker?

hm, actually I’m going to use stagecoach, nevermind!

is there a Stagecoach tutorial adapted for Apostrophe ?
I follow the readme, but I don’t know if I have to do all the steps (sc-deploy, etc)
Thank you for your help.

Stagecoach was written with Apostrophe in mind, although we use it for all node projects. You will find that the deployment/ folder is already stocked with scripts. Just follow the instructions and you should be in good shape!

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Just in case it’s the concept that’s unclear… stagecoach is for pushing your app, which you develop and test on your own development machine, to your production server. As such it would be strange not to have a command to deploy (:

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