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Microsoft acquired GitHub

What do you think?

Will ApostropheCMS follow thousands of projects fleeing from GitHub?

Weā€™re taking a wait-and-see approach. I wonder what percentage of the programmers ā€œfleeingā€ github are typing in VSCode right now!

Good point!

I use VSCode too and think that Microsoft is very open source friendly ā€“ right now. There are rumors that GitHub had financial problems. If thatā€™s true, the acquisition might not be so bad at all.

Financial stability for the place we are all keeping our source code (!!!) is not a bad thing. (:

We use and appreciate github private repos. Itā€™s possible that gitlabā€™s aggressively cheaper position has made it tough for them. One wonders if gitlabā€™s business plan is sustainable either though; only a handful of extremely high end enterprise cases require paying for it. I know of at least one Fortune 500 company that just uses their open source distribution on their own servers. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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