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Template warning: Impossible to retrieve the attachment url since it is missing, a default icon has been set. Please fix this ASAP!


I am getting this error in the command line:

Template warning: Impossible to retrieve the attachment url since it is missing, a default icon has been set. Please fix this ASAP!

…when trying to display an uploaded image using a widget. I am wanting to display the image as a background of a div. As far as I can see I am outputting it correctly using this - {{ apos.attachments.url(image.attachment) }} - but to be honest, the documentation provided is not the most clear.


Jon, how-to questions like this should go to Stack Overflow, tagged apostrophecms, to maximize the chances others will be able to find the answers later. Happy to help there. When posting please include more detail of your code, as so far it looks correct to me, but if I understood more of what was really happening in this template I think that would change. Thanks!