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What are people's thoughts on creating a Gitter community for Apostrophe-cms?

There are times when I have a quick question about something not in the documentation that I’m sure someone other than @boutell could answer. Currently, there’s nowhere I can go for these simple questions, unless I want to create a two line stack-exchange question. One example would be I wasn’t sure how to do webfonts when bundling assets and uploading to s3.

I think an easy solution to this would be to have Gitter for quick tiny questions (and to have a more easily accessible communitiy), stack-exchange for bigger questions, and the forums for what seem to be more philosophical questions about apostrophe. I would say Slack, but I doubt everyone wants their slack to get polluted with one more thing giving notifications.

I think this one was fine for stackoverflow actually. I’m not convinced we need something more granular than SO, which is where devs tend to look first for people with similar experiences.

What about a slack channel for small questions in the community?

edit, now We out here