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A3 Alpha Release

A3 Alpha is Here

Today is our normal bi-weekly release day, but we’re very excited to be able to include Apostrophe 3.0.0-alpha.1 as part of this drop. Given the state of affairs in U.S. politics at the moment, we’re planning on sharing a broader announcement next week on November 11th. In the mean time, we didn’t want to miss an opportunity to get this long awaited release in the hands of our community. So while you wait for those votes to get counted, give A3 a spin!

We’re providing a boilerplate to help you get started, as well as a meaningful start to our A3 documentation, where we’re covering what’s new, what’s old, and what’s changed. This boilerplate and documentation will be fleshed out further in the coming days as part of the bigger rollout.

A lot of love has been poured into A3 so far, and we’re eager for any feedback you might have.

A3 Boilerplate

A3 Documentation (WIP)

Meanwhile, our stand release notes for A2 below:

Release Notes

apostrophe (core) 2.113.1

Updates the logo in the README.

apostrophe-headless 2.10.3

Fixes a typo in the README. Thanks to Adrien Delannoy for the contribution. Updates mocha for a vulnerability warning, as well as ESLint.

apostrophe-forms 1.10.1

  • Allow project level code to override arrangeFields easily. Because the base class runs last in beforeConstruct, it should prepend to what the project provides, not the other way around. Otherwise project level groupings get overridden by the base class.
  • Fixes the string field template to add the placeholder attribute.

apostrophe-personas 3.0.4

The disableEmptyUniversal option of this module is now compatible with TOTP login (Google Authenticator).

sanitize-html 2.1.2

Fixes typos and inconsistencies in the README. Thanks to Eric Lefevre-Ardant for this contribution.