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Anchor tag links not working properly

Hello Folks,

I have developed a site using apostrophe 2.0. It works quite well, but when I log in to change the content of my site, I can only see the homepage.
All the anchor tag links given in my site are not working when I am logged in. It works perfect for a normal viewer of the site.

When I checked the HTML in firebug, I found the following difference in anchor tag rendering:

  1. HTML of anchor tags when I view the site

  2. HTML of anchor tags when I am logged in the site to change its content

As you can see above, the anchor tag is incomplete in the 2nd case. Can you please provide me the solution.
An immediate help will be highly appreciated!

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Thanks & Regards,

how is it incomplete? I’m not following.

Hi Nirav,

How-to questions like this should be posted to Stack Overflow and tagged:


So that the answers are easier to find for everyone later.

It looks like you didn’t attach the examples you meant to attach. I suggest doing so on Stack Overflow.