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Apostrophe 2.20.0: batch uploading, sitewide preferences and nifty fixes

This is a significant update with two useful new features and various minor improvements.

  • Support for batch uploads. The apostrophe-images and apostrophe-files modules now implement batch uploads by default.

When you click “New File” or “New Image,” you now go directly to the file browser, and if you select multiple files they are uploaded without a modal dialog appearing for each one; the title and slug are populated from the filename, and that’s that.

You can also drag one or more files directly to the chooser/manager modal.

If you are choosing files or images for a widget, they are automatically selected after a batch upload.

This feature can be disabled by setting the insertViaUpload option to false for apostrophe-images or apostrophe-files. If you are adding required fields to apostrophe-images or apostrophe-files, then batch uploading is not the best option for you because it would bypass that.

If you wish, you can enable the feature for your own apostrophe-pieces modules that have an attachment field in their schema by setting the insertViaUpload option to true. However please note that this does not currently do anything for pieces that refer to an image or file indirectly via widget.

  • Global preference editing, and a standard UI to roll back to earlier versions of global content. There is now a “Global Content” admin bar button. By default, this launches the version rollback dialog box for shared global content.

However, if you use addFields to add schema fields to the apostrophe-global module, this button instead launches an editing modal where you can edit those fields, and also offers a “Versions” button accessible from there.

Global preferences set in this way are accessible in all situations where is available. This is very useful for creating project-wide preference settings.

All the usual features of schemas can be used, including groupFields. Of course, if you choose to use joins or widgets in global content, you should keep the performance impact in mind.

  • Various UX fixes to the manager and chooser modals.

  • If there is a minSize setting in play, that information is displayed to the user when choosing images.

  • The checkboxes schema field type now supports the browseFilters feature.

  • When batch file uploads fail, a more useful set of error messages are displayed.