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Apostrophe 2.48.0: color and range schema fields, logging and more

New in apostrophe 2.48.0:

  • New color and range schema field types. color provides a color picker field allowing values compatible with CSS, etc. range provides an <input type="range"> element and respects min and max options.
  • New apos.utils.log,, apos.utils.debug, apos.utils.warn and apos.utils.error methods. These are now used consistently throughout Apostrophe core, both in the server and in the browser. On the server, these methods wrap the corresponding methods of a logger object and you can inject your own via the logger option of the apostrophe-utils module. By default a logger object that wraps the console object is created. For convenience, if your logger has no log method, apos.utils.log will call This allows many popular loggers like winston to be used without modification “out of the box.”
  • modulesSubdir option to specify subdir where local modules come from, overriding lib/modules. Useful when more than one apos object exists in a project.
  • Major speedup to parked pages. Also eliminates spurious warnings about inefficient joins at startup.
  • Refactored autocollapse behavior of admin bar into its own method for easier overrides.
  • CSS fixes for improved usability.

New in apostrophe-workflow 2.6.4:

  • Fixed bug in which localization helper would crash if used in a newly saved widget. The helper does not actually display localizations until page refresh due to a deeper issue but this is only a concern when editing, not for the public.

New in apostrophe-review-and-deploy 2.2.1:

  • Fixed issues with the display of the percentage of completion for site reviews.