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Apostrophe 2.54.2, 2.54.3: contextual editing of pieces in widgets, better migration handling


  • Contextual editing of pieces found in a widget.html template saves properly, as does contextual editing of a nested area added to the page for the first time.

  • Previously executed migrations are remembered in a collection that persists, not just in a cache, avoiding extra work which could be extensive in a large database. Migrations are still required to be idempotent (they should detect whether they have any work to do, and do no harm if they are not needed again for a particular document).

  • apos.migrations.eachWidget now delivers an accurate dotPath, which is crucial for the use of with $set. No standard migrations in Apostrophe were using the feature until now.


  • A bug in the recently introduced apostrophe-soft-redirects module caused crashes in cases where the context page or piece had no _url property… which is an unusual situation (how did you get there exactly? Overrides are clearly involved), but it can happen in customized projects. Fixed.
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