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Apostrophe 2.76.1: fixes for "apply to subpages," home page type changes, session updates when sending notifications

This is a bug-fix update with no new features.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented page permissions from propagating properly when “Apply to Subpages” is checked in “Page Settings.” Thanks to Mayank Bansal. Unit tests were also added to prevent a regression in the future.

  • A bug that prevented the home page type from being changed via the UI in certain situations has also been fixed.

  • Removed unneeded call to self.apos.utils.readOnlySession in apos.notify, preventing crashes when this is invoked from a command line task. This fixes apostrophe-favicons. It also permits notifications to be sent from routes that do update the session on purpose.

  • Also updated self.apos.utils.readOnlySession so it will gracefully ignore calls made with no session in req (typically command line tasks).

  • Eliminated uses of async/await in core unit tests. This module still supports Node 6.x, so we use promises directly, not via async/await, in core code; of course you can still await most of our APIs in your own projects, because await works with anything that returns a promise.