This forum has moved, please join us on github discussions. We will keep these old posts available for reference. Thank you!

Apostrophe 2.78.0: batch permissions for pieces, faster "select everything"

  • You can now set permissions for many pieces at once via the new “set permissions for…”
    batch operation in the “manage pieces” dialog box. Batch operations are accessible via a
    dropdown at the bottom of the dialog box after you check the boxes to select various pieces.
    Note that if you check the box to select all the pieces on this page, you will be asked
    if you want to select all pieces. So it is possible to set the permissions of all of the
    pieces at once.

Note that permissions have no effect on file attachment URLs unless you use
the optional apostrophe-secure-attachments module.
Once you add that module, the new batch operation becomes a powerful
way to lock down all of your PDFs at once.

  • The “Select Everything” checkbox for pieces, which becomes accessible after you “Select All”
    pieces on the current page, now operates much faster on large databases and does not block
    the main thread of browser execution for an extended time.

Thanks to our enterprise clients, including Michelin, for their support of our work on these items.