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Apostrophe 2.87.0: tooltips, testing for namespaced modules, more startup performance work

  • Tooltips have been added to improve the editor experience. For instance, tooltips appear on hover for the “up,” “down,” “clone” and “trash” buttons when working with areas.
  • Building on the performance work in version 2.86.0, all ensureIndex calls have been moved to the migrate startup phase and can thus be skipped with APOS_NO_MIGRATE=1. Note that as with the other recent changes, this means that if your site is always run with APOS_NO_MIGRATE=1, including at the time the database is created, it is imperative that you run node app apostrophe-migrations:migrate at least once. If your database starts out in a dev environment and is later moved to a production environment, or you use stagecoach or a similar deployment tool that guarantees migrations are run on all code deployments (and you should definitely do that), then this will not be an issue.
  • Building on the support for namespaced npm modules as apostrophe modules added in 2.86.0, the testModule: true flag used to test apostrophe in the context of an npm module like apostrophe-workflow can now be used in a namespaced npm module. Thanks to Aurélien Wolz for this contribution.

Thanks to Michelin for making much of this work possible through Apostrophe Enterprise Support.