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Apostrophe 2.91.0: the "lean frontend" is now available in the core, also bug fixes

  • Feature: it is much easier to write sites with no jQuery, lodash, etc. on the front end. The apostrophe-lean-frontend module has been deprecated and its functionality has been merged into the core. An option is available to go “fully lean” and not push jQuery, lodash, etc. For more information, please see the lean frontend HOWTO.

  • Bug fix: a regression introduced in 2.90.0 caused all uses of “Copy Page” to copy the home page. This is fixed.

  • Bug fix: copying a page with custom fields now copies those fields properly.

  • Bug fix: “Copy Page” now correctly copies parked page fields to the new, unparked page and then allows them to be edited for the new page.

  • Bug fix: addressed browser errors that occurred when using an empty rich text toolbar. Unfortunately it is not possible to completely eliminate the ckeditor 4 toolbar when there are no tools present. This is due to a ckeditor bug.