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Apostrophe 2.99.0: "not blessed" fix, password complexity rules, lean mode improvements and more

  • Optional password complexity rules. You may set passwordMinLength to a number of your choice. You may also set passwordRules to an array of rule names. Those available by default are noSlashes, noSpaces, mixedCase, digits, and noTripleRepeats. To block existing passwords that don’t meet this standard, you should also set passwordRulesAtLoginTime: true. Additional password rules may be registered by calling apos.login.addPasswordRule('name', { test: fn, message: 'error message' }). The function will receive the password and must return true if it is acceptable. Thanks to Michelin for making this work possible via Apostrophe Enterprise Support.
  • apos.utils.attachmentUrl has been added to lean mode. It works exactly like apos.attachments.url, which is not available in lean mode, with one exception: to avoid adding more overhead to lean mode, the default size is the original. So you must take care to specify the size option for performance when working with images.
  • When an in-page edit is made and an area is updated as a result, the update method of the appropriate module is now called, rather than This allows for beforeSave, etc. to fire in this situation. Thanks to Kalia Martin of swiss4ward for this contribution.
  • Apostrophe now provides a res.rawRedirect method, which performs a redirect without adding the sitewide prefix. On sites without a prefix it is equivalent to res.redirect. This is useful when working with a URL that is already prefixed, such as the _url property of a page or piece.
  • Using the groups option to apostrophe-users together with a very large database can lead to slow startup because the groups are found by title, and title is not an indexed field. You may now specify the slug for each group in the array, in which case they are found by slug instead, which is an optimized query. However most very large sites would be better off removing the groups option and allowing groups to be managed flexibly via the admin bar.
  • apos.tasks.getReq now provides more simulated i18n support.
  • The occasional but irritating “not blessed” bug when editing content on the page has been fixed via a new “reinforced blessing” mechanism.
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