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Apostrophe Forms

Hello Apostrophe community! We’re very pleased to announce a new module for 2.x, published late last week. Apostrophe Forms was a module in the 0.5 version of ApostropheCMS, but for several reasons had not been updated for the current major version. That has now changed! Apostrophe Forms is now fully functional and published for 2.x! :tada:

So what does Apostrophe Forms do? In short, it allow for building and configuring public-facing forms on ApostropheCMS applications in the user interface. You may be familiar with Apostrophe Pieces Submit Widgets, which has more recently been the way that public forms could be added. The major disadvantage of that use case was that the forms essentially had to be hard-coded and built by a developer. Apostrophe Forms puts this power back in the hands of website users.

Features include:

  • Create as many forms as you want, as you can with any other “piece” (forms are pieces here).
  • Using the widget model, add standard form fields, including text, textarea, select, radio, checkbox, file upload, and boolean fields (also change the label on the submit button).
  • Multiple file upload in the file upload fields.
  • Default saving to a new MongoDB collection, with option to disable saving (global code-level config).
  • Configurable email delivery of submissions on the form level.
  • reCAPTCHA validation (currently only configured globally, not per form).
  • Through a separate module, apostrophe-forms-submit-google, send submissions to a Google Spreadsheet.
  • Customizable after-submission thank-you messages.

We have a few additional features in the works or in a list (and one community PR already!). So please use it and let us know what you think.