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Closing in on an A3 Alpha Release

A3 Alpha is Almost Ready

We’re hammering away on some outstanding bugs and tying up various loose ends in A3 as we prepare for a soft launch in our next bi-weekly on 11/04! The soft launch on 11/04 will include a working demo, and we’ll be rolling out additional launch materials on 11/10, including documentation to get you started with A3 and a fully functional boilerplate. Save the date! Following our alpha release, we’ll be rolling out additional features, new and old, on a rolling basis as we continue to push A3 towards stable release in Q1 of 2021. In the meantime, check out our release notes for A2.

Release Notes

apostrophe (core) 2.113.0

  • Removes published columns in apostrophe-users and apostrophe-groups, the modules where this field does not exist.
  • Adds type to forbiddenFields for apostrophe-pieces schemas. Thanks to Jose96GIT for the contribution. If you are using Apostrophe Workflow, you must be on 2.38.2 or later of that module because of this update.

apostrophe-workflow 2.38.2

Sets the new forbiddenFields option for the Manage Workflow view, a “virtual” piece type which has the unusual property of viewing content of all types, to an empty array.

apostrophe-signup 2.0.5

Adds a requiredFields option to make certain fields required during public signup even if they are not required when admins edit users.

apostrophe-pieces-export 2.3.1

Updates lodash and ApostropheCMS dependencies to resolve lodash and node-fetch vulnerability warnings.

eslint-config-apostrophe 3.4.1

Updates eslint-plugin-import.

sanitize-html 2.1.1

  • Fixes a bug when using allowedClasses with an '*' wildcard selector. Thanks to Clemens Damke for this contribution.
  • Updates mocha to 7.x to resolve security warnings.