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External assets e.g Bootstrap clash with admin UI


I am having some problems integrating external plugins like bootstrap as it seems to clash with the apostrophe admin UI.
See attached image.

Simply just added the bootstrap.min.css (renamed to *.less) to lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/css/vendor/
Then added entry in site.less
@import ‘vendor/bootstrap.less’;

What is the correct way to add bootstrap without messing up the admin UI?

Hi !
As it seems, you might just be having an issue with the font’s color css property on the icons (set it back to a dark color ?).

On the other hand you might want to get rid of the H4 displaying the images names above the picture by a simple display:none in your css too (as it is done by Apostrophe devs in the sandbox demo repository

Otherwise the way you display bootstrap shall be all right except that rather than the bootstrap.min.css version turned to a .less, it would be way more convenient for you to add to your project the npm bootstrap-less package in order to enjoy overriding accurately variables and so on.

Enjoy Apostrophe even if when starting digging into it at first you might feel a little struggling.
Once you’ll get use to it’s logic Apostrophe is a nodeJs’s best practices CMS.