Hi there,
New to Apostrophe. The system and it’s features looks promising
I’m a frontend developer on the lookout for the perfect headless CMS. I’m really for front-end-agnostic web development. It means that i can focus as a developer on one framework and one language. Until now i’ve mainly worked with Wordpress and it’s REST API. Thus theme development in a headless sense. However Wordpress can quickly feel sluggish. Adding to that; it still centers around traditional Wordpress-php-theme-development. Out of the box, when developing a ‘headless theme’, you don’t have a clean or nice way to generate previews of posts before publishing them.
If I were to use Apostrope, the Apostrope UI and the apostrophe-headless module to develop headless themes, is there a documented method for dealing with previews? Cockpit CMS for example deals with this by loading the end site via an iframe and posting (postMessage) a corresponding JSON-formatted response to the site.
I know this is not a straightforward request, but maybe someone can point me in a direction.