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Introducing New Apostrophe CMS Custom Schema

I am proud to announce to all developers that I finally published my own npm package for our new Apostrophe CMS Schema field that has code editor in it. Finally , you can use this schema to any widget you want by installing this package to your projects. Enjoy !

Custom Code Editor

Here is the npm package:
Custom Code Editor ApostropheCMS Schema

Attention to all developers ! custom-code-editor package pushed a new update with save feature ! Now you can save your own selection by pressing key in your keyboard while highlighting the text on code editor. Check it out here :

P/s : README also updated with more documentation so that you can extend , override or configure anything you want by yourself !


Our schema is now push JS asset on defined modes & your defined theme. The rest of the JS files for modes & themes will not be push due to Performance Issue that previously push All JS files at once. But if you wanted to push All Ace JS Assets, you can do so by:

ace : {
    // All Other Ace Options
scripts : {
    pushAllAce : true // this will push All Ace JS Assets to your browser if you wanted to do testing or etc