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Questions regarding new in progress localization and workflow module

The in progress localization and workflow module was provided to me at this location

I was able to follow the directions on GitHub to get it enabled and working on my exiting project.

I did however notice a few things that seemed not to be working correctly. But this could just be my user error so if somebody can point out what I am doing wrong for the following issues I will be very grateful.

  1. The reorganize feature just throws an error when I try to access it. The error is: “The server did not respond or you do not have the appropriate permissions.”

  2. I figured out how to give a specific SLUG for a specific page/local and I created SLUGS like: “ca/fr/lp/new-page”, and “ca/fr/lp/new-page”, and “/lp/new-page” but… when I go into live view the URLS seems to automatically change (without me requesting that). They change to: “/ca/fr/lp/new-page7”, “/en/ca/lp/new-page7”, and “/lp/new-page2”. Can anybody explain why that is happening and how I can have the live view SLUGS match the draft SLUGS.