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Security Release: 2.112.0

Version 2.112.0 is a security release, addressing a potential port scanning vulnerability and a few other concerns. It also addresses an npm audit warning regarding Google’s cloud storage module and officially deprecates Node.js 8.x, although it is unofficially still possible to use 8.x for now.

  • Security: Apostrophe’s oembed support has always consulted a list of safe sites, however the fallback support for embedding site previews via Open Graph did not consult such a list. There was no XSS risk, but this could be exploited to scan for open ports behind a firewall, and potentially to obtain title tags and page body text from webpages behind a firewall as well, if they had no login provisions. Note that this risk existed only if the public Apostrophe site was running on a server that could “see” these Intranet sites, which is rare (a public website is usually not hosted on an Intranet, port forwarding would typically be needed to make that possible). However to eliminate the risk our Open Graph fallback support now consults the same list of safe sites used for oembed. This Open Graph embed feature is not actually used by Apostrophe’s video widgets, so this change will only impact developers who discovered the feature and chose to use it independently. If you are affected, add additional sites to the safeList option of apostrophe-oembed. For backwards compatibility the whitelist option is also accepted. Thanks to Rudi van Hierden for reporting the issue.

  • Security: the uploadfs module has been updated. Since this is a sub-dependency you must npm update your Apostrophe project to get this update, which eliminates npm audit warnings regarding Google Cloud Storage. Note that after this update Google Cloud Storage can no longer be used with Apostrophe if your server is still running Node 8. Other storage backends still work with Node 8 as of this writing.

  • Node 8 deprecation notice: for the time being, Apostrophe does still run on Node 8. However, since Node 8 has passed its end of life date, this support is unofficial and may be terminated soon. All projects should upgrade to a current Long Term Support version of Node.

  • Clean up calls from the nunjucks loader properly when destroying an apos object, so that the process can close and/or memory be recovered.

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