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UploadFS 1.10.2: important fixes to Azure support for Apostrophe

The following changes just landed in the uploadfs module, which Apostrophe depends upon. An npm update will fetch them. If you are using our azure storage backend, you need these changes, otherwise there’s no rush.


We fixed some significant issues impacting users of the azure storage backend. If you use that backend you should upgrade:

  • Get extensions from uploadfs path so gzipped files are not all application/octet stream
  • Pass the content-encoding header properly. Please note that files already uploaded to azure with uploadfs are gzipped but do not have the correct header and so your webserver may not recognize them correctly, especially if used for CSS files and other text formats. You can resolve this by uploading them again.
  • copyOut now correctly reverses copyIn completely, including gunzipping the file if necessary. Without this change cropping, etc. did not work.
  • Default test path covers these issues correctly.